3 Home Remedies For Boils



When you don't know how to get rid of skin problems, they can be not only irritating and possibly painful, but also embarrassing. Boils, in particular, can be painful! Boils are break-out of the skin that, although not necessarily very big, can happen almost any place on the body. But have no fear.  Below are some easy home remedies to bring you some relief.  

One major issue to consider is that if a boil breaks open, it can cause a scar. If you want to avoid scarring, it can take a couple of weeks for the boil to go away on its one. Luckily, there are some simple, pain-free solutions that can help.   

One solution is to add boiling water to some cornmeal to make a paste. This paste can then be applied over the boil and then covered with a clean cloth. Keep applying new paste and recover every two hours.  (This will bring the boil to a head so it can drain).

2.  Using a warm cup as a suction pump, place it over the affected area and pump it to increase the blood circulation into the boil. The additional blood serves to bring the boil to a head and draws the pus out.  This is another home remedy for boils.

Remedy Three: Add salt to a small piece of bacon.  Apply it to the boil, and cover with a clean cloth dressing. The salt and bacon fat bring the boil to a head more quickly and speed up the healing process.

These home remedies can be used to treat boils without pain and irritation, and avoiding the possibility of the boil erupting and leaving a scar.